If we want Democrats to win, it’s not enough to start paying attention in September of an election year. It’s not enough enough to throw a few bucks to a PAC focused on peppering the airwaves with attack ads. It’s not enough to retweet your favorite candidate on Twitter. If we want to win, we have to actually DO THE WORK ON THE GROUND – and that begins right now.
We were able to take two Senate seats and the presidency in the state of Georgia because Stacey Abrams knew that we needed to focus on voter registration and voter outreach– and that is an effort that takes not only a lot of time, but a lot of money. We’ll often hear, “Who’s the Stacey Abrams of Florida? Of Wisconsin? Of Ohio?” That’s where we come in. The “Don’t Be A Mitch” fund is composed of 8 organizations from the 8 states that will have the closest Senate races in 2022: PA, WI, NC, GA, OH, IA, FL, and AZ. Democrats need to hold both seats in GA and AZ and we’ll look to flip the rest as part of our goal of ensuring that Mitch McConnell is never again Senate Majority Leader– but that work needs to start now. We’ve partnered with the premiere voter outreach organizations in all 8 of these states– organizations that understand what needs to be done to win in 2022, and that need money to do it. So if you want to see what happened in Georgia replicated across the country, then THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP.
If we want Democrats to win, it’s not enough to start paying attention in September of an election year. It’s not enough enough to throw a few bucks to a PAC focused on peppering the airwaves with attack ads. It’s not enough to retweet your favorite candidate on Twitter. If we want to win, we have to actually DO THE WORK ON THE GROUND – and that begins right now.
We were able to take two Senate seats and the presidency in the state of Georgia because Stacey Abrams knew that we needed to focus on voter registration and voter outreach– and that is an effort that takes not only a lot of time, but a lot of money. We’ll often hear, “Who’s the Stacey Abrams of Florida? Of Wisconsin? Of Ohio?” That’s where we come in. The “Don’t Be A Mitch” fund is composed of 8 organizations from the 8 states that will have the closest Senate races in 2022: PA, WI, NC, GA, OH, IA, FL, and AZ. Democrats need to hold both seats in GA and AZ and we’ll look to flip the rest as part of our goal of ensuring that Mitch McConnell is never again Senate Majority Leader– but that work needs to start now. We’ve partnered with the premiere voter outreach organizations in all 8 of these states– organizations that understand what needs to be done to win in 2022, and that need money to do it. So if you want to see what happened in Georgia replicated across the country, then THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP.
Organization: LUCHA
Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) organizes low- and moderate-income and minority families to take action on the issues most important to them and advance the cause of social and economic justice for all. Working in collaboration with our sister organization, ACE, LUCHA incorporates leadership development with grassroots issue-based campaigns, advocacy and civic engagement, to create an Arizona in which every resident has an equal voice in determining the policies and shaping the decision-making bodies that will govern our communal life.
58,000 doors knocked, 2.8 million phone calls, 21,000 texts sent, 10,000 + voters registered, 5,458 volunteer shifts, 16,268 commitments to vote.
Organization: Florida Rising
In January 2021, New Florida Majority and Organize Florida joined forces to create a new powerhouse organization and seize governing power that centers Black and Brown communities. Florida Rising is the largest independent political organization in the state, and through our multilingual, multiracial, and multicultural organizing on expanding democracy, climate justice, gender and reproductive justice, and criminal justice reform, we are mobilizing to advance key policy reforms and develop powerful narratives that link economic and racial justice.
In the 2020 election cycle, we anchored the Florida For All coalition (a partnership with New Florida Majority, Organize Florida, SEIU Florida, Florida Immigrant Coalition Votes, Dream Defenders Action, and Florida Planned Parenthood PAC) to run a robust campaign program in 19 counties across Florida focused on a universe of 3.8 million voters. Our campaign made over 25.7 million direct voter contact attempts via doors and phones and had over 1.2 million conversations with Florida voters that resulted in historic voter turnout and many electoral wins.
Organization: New Georgia Project
The New Georgia Project Action Fund (NGPAF), a 501(c)(4), exists to increase civic participation of the New Georgia Majority—Black, Latinx, Asian American, young, and LGBTQ+ Georgians—by building grassroots political power in support of progressive policies and issues. We envision a new Georgia where we recognize and value the power of historically underrepresented communities, listen to everyone’s voice, and ensure every vote is counted so all Georgians can live with dignity and respect.
Organization: Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI)
Iowa CCI Action is a statewide, multi-issue people-power organization that uses community organizing to win public policies that put communities before corporations and people before profits. We understand that big social change comes from the ground up, not the top down. We challenge busines-as-usual politics, and work for a political system that puts people, our issues, our stories and our values at the center of it. We have over 4,000 dues-paying members, and communicate weekly with more than 15,000 Iowans from different backgrounds and all walks of life. We have a long history of working on justice and democracy issues in Iowa.
Our election work in 2020 targeted 250,000+ registered voters in urban and rural areas of the state using “deep canvass” phone-banking, direct mail, earned and paid media (newspapers, radio, TV), social media, texting and email. We want to expand our voter-work in 2021 and 2022 to include voter registration activities that would target 150,000 unregistered voters (mostly Black, Latinx and other people of color) and be done in collaboration with other like-minded people-power organizations.
Organization: Advance Carolina
Advance North Carolina (Advance Carolina) is a statewide, independent, Black-led, 501c (4) organization with a mission to build Black political and economic power in North Carolina. We work with communities, partners, and organizations to educate and mobilize Black and progressive voters and are committed to authentic engagement to advance community-based political solutions. Advance Carolina engaged high potential voters who were unlikely to vote in the 2020 general election. During the 2020 election cycle, we provided over 57K literature pieces, called over 97K potential voters, launched a strategic billboard campaign that generated over 6.8 million views, and sent over 73k text messages.
Organization: Ohio Organizing Collaborative
Ohio Organizing Collaborative (OOC) is a grassroots people-centered power organization. We unite base-building community organizing groups, student associations and faith organizations, with labor unions, and policy institutes throughout Ohio. It is our mission to organize everyday Ohioans, building transformative power organizations for racial, social, and economic justice. Our vision is to build a democratic multi-racial populist governing coalition in Ohio. The OOC is made up of grassroots organizing membership projects and campaigns that span a broad range of leaders, communities, and intersecting issues: students, people of faith, people directly impacted by mass incarceration, unemployed workers, child care providers and the families they serve, and people working in the care economy. Our organizing centers people of color, women, and young people in a multiracial, intergenerational organization.
Our civic engagement program reached hundreds of thousands of voters through phone banking and texting people around Ohio. Stand Up for Ohio and the OOC:
- Sent 1.6 million text messages
- Made 414,197 phone calls
- Registered 10,000 people to voteHad conversations with 492,000+ voters about community safety, health care, child care, and the economy.
Organization: Pennsylvania Stands Up
Pennsylvania Stands Up is an independent political organization by and for the many, with almost 2,000 dues-paying members dedicated to winning a Pennsylvania that works for all of us. We are Black, white, and brown working people living across Pennsylvania’s cities, towns and rural areas. Our 9 chapters in 11 counties build grassroots leadership, fight for policies that work for working people, and elect candidates who represent our values. Together, we are building a governing majority capable of enacting bold, redistributive measures for the common good.
In 2020, more than 8,000 volunteers with Pennsylvania Stands Up had 407,000 conversations with voters. Using a new technique called “”deep canvassing,”” which social scientists have found to be significantly more effective than traditional voter outreach, we moved 53,324 votes to ensure Pennsylvania went to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and elected 3 new legislators to our state capitol. As we look to 2022, Pennsylvania Stands Up is poised to play a major role in electing a champion in what CNN ranks as the most flippable Senate seat in the country.
Organization: BLOC (Black Leaders Organizing Communities)
BLOC is a year round civic engagement organization that hopes to expand the idea of civic engagement to one that includes us all. Covid aside, we have a year round field program where we are constantly engaging leaders in the community around issues they care about. In 2020 we had 73 Ambassadors, trained 10 fellows, made 235,194 Phone calls, and sent 557,244 text messages.